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Sunday, June 15, 2008

bintang di surga

School's reopening tomorrow.

God has been adding to the RP gang, directly and indirectly, something's brewing lets pray for a revival! Cannot begin to tell you how powerful the RP guys and girls are, seriously. Tomorrow we are going to kick start our reopen with a prayer meeting again just like any other Monday and Friday.

Service was awesome as usual. It's reality, and it's a pretty sad truth that we all face, and we belong to either 2 sides of Christianity, Selfish or a life for Others.

Can't wait to see C6 explode, run run run! It's pretty amazing how God really moves when we pray. We didn't do anything big in RP, but we prayed, and things just happened all of a sudden. It's gonna happen in C6 too!

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God

I'm gonna plan my time to go for at least one staff and leader's prayer meeting every week. Gonna be exciting yo!

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