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Sunday, June 22, 2008

22nd june 08

22nd June 08, a day that i will remember for life. A milestone for Resonance! What Pastor Lia debriefed us about really motivated me in the spirit, i seriously cant wait for the future, 7 more worship teams, Elevate's improving! Forth Dimension yo, 7 more worship teams!

Something really unexpected happened too! After the debrief, Daniel notified me to go up to the studio for a drum audition infront of Pastor Lia and many other drummers, and i didn't prepare anything! but it was great! ! !

Man i seriously can't wait for the future, everyone in the worship team is growing so hungry for God now, c6 almost brokethrough! next week is gonna be da bomb! >30!

Im feeling super sleepy right now, i'm just gonna keep this short, there are lotsa things that cannot be put into words. GNITE im gonna sleep and talk to my God!

22nd June 08

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